Coin name: mobit global
Coin abbreviation: MBGL
Algorithm: SKUNK
Type: PoW 100%
Total Supply: 21 000 000
Difficulty Retargeting: Every Block - Using Dark Gravity Wave
Block Time Average: 2.5 minutes
Block Reward: 10 (reducing by 12.5% every 210 240 blocks)
Masternode Collateral: 1 500
Block Reward Distribution: block 1 - 2 499: 90% to Miners, 10% to Treasury
block 2 500 - : 45% to Masternodes, 45% to Miners, 10% to Treasury
InstantSend Confirmation: ~5 seconds
Premine: 760 200
total premine will be used to facilitate 10:1 coin swap for MUN as block level 106 000
premine total calculation: MUN gettxoutsetinfo | (total_amount - ((height - 106 000) * 130)) / 10
swap was closed after 198 150 blocks ~ 1 year after mobit global launched


P2P port: 31374
RPC port: 31373


P2P port: 32374
RPC port: 32373