
mobit global employs masternodes to operate as a Distributed Autonomous Organisation. Each masternode operator acts independantly through the action of staking 1 500 tokens and configuring a node on the network to operate as a masternode. Masternode operators are rewarded through inclusive participation of the mining rewards allocated. Each masternode operator holds a vote for all items in the budget. A budget will be presented each month for the masternode operators to vote in favour of items for inclusion into the monthly budgeting cycle. The funding of the budget is from the treasury allocation of the mining rewards. Unspend budget is not carried forward to the next budget cycle.


Each month a set of proposals will be available for masternode operators to vote on. These include all operating costs for the Core Team as well as proposals for enhancements to the project. The masternode operators, through thier voting for proposals, approve items for the budget and thereby have direct control over the priority and direction of the enhancements being applied to the project. Forum discussions will be conducted to compile proposals for the budgeting process.

Masternode Wallet Configuration
Masternode VPS Configuration
Masternode Node Configuration